
How to developing of brass fitting made in china

  Brass is composed of copper and zinc. Brass has many usefulness, which can be used to produce a valve and can be used to produce pipes, also can be used to make the connection pipe of the air conditioning, it can be used to produce heat sink. Of course, there are other usefulness.

  Brass fitting made in China has very old history. In the Ming Dynasty of Jiajing, Chinese people use it to make coins, which is the currency. People can use it to buy goods. In Chinese history books, also has documented brass. The word of brass appeared in China history books, which appeared in the Western Han Dynasty firstly. The brass is used to make walls in Western Han Dynasty. At that time, the emperor lived in the palace was built with brass. Appeared brass later, its refining method is to use fire to refining. In some relics unearthed, you can see some of the zinc content of more than 20 percent of brass sheet and brass. And now, in Chinese Shandong Province, there are a number of places of copper and zinc Ore resources are very rich. Today, brass fitting made in china play more and more important role. Because Chinese metallurgical technology has been greatly developed.

  The above is the history of brass fitting made in china, and we hope it is useful to you.